VDx® FMDV 3Diff/PAN qRT-PCR set

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is the most contagious disease of mammals and has a great potential for causing severe economic loss in susceptible cloven-hoofed animals. There are seven serotypes of FMD virus (FMDV), namely, O, A, C, SAT 1, SAT 2, SAT 3 and Asia 1.

VDx® FMDV 3Diff/PAN qRT-PCR set is a reagent for highly sensitive detection of FMDV in infected samples. This reagent is composed of 1-step premix, which can be directly added to the premix to prevent cross-contamination in the laboratory, and it is possible to check the reaction in real time. For reactions, simply add template (DNA). The test reliability can be secured by Control DNA for Validation. Depending on the purpose, differential diagnosis of major serotypes or genotypes is possible using VDx® FMDV 3Diff/PAN qRT-PCR set.

VDx® FMDV 3Diff/PAN qRT-PCR set
2) VDx® FMDV O/A/Asia1 serotyping qRT-PCR
3) VDx® FMDV O genotyping qRT-PCR
4) VDx® FMDV A genotyping qRT-PCR

1. VDx® FMDV qRT-PCR (3D&5'UTR)

2. VDx® FMDV O/A/Asia1 serotyping qRT-PCR

3. VDx® FMDV O genotyping qRT-PCR

4. VDx® FMDV A genotyping qRT-PCR

Product Information
Cat No. Product Name Quantity Manual
NM-FMD-31v VDx® FMDV qRT-PCR (3D & 5'UTR) 100Tests EN
NM-FMD-35v VDx® FMDV O,A,Asia1 qRT-PCR 100Tests EN
NM-FMD-36v VDx® FMDV O genotyping qRT-PCR 100Tests EN
NM-FMD-37v VDx® FMDV A genotyping qRT-PCR 100Tests EN