Standard Reagent

HI Reagent VDPro® HI Reagent

The Hemagglutination Inhibition Reaction Test is a typical standard antibody test for animal disease. It has been used to quantitatively measure antibodies to the pathogen. The test is somewhat inconvenient to use because it needs various types of buffer solutions and blood cells. However, it has been used worldwide as a global standard test until now.
The antibody test for the major pathogens including swine parvovirus can precisely test standard antibody titers in serum samples with inexpensive HI diagnostic reagent so it can be used as a standard test for disease appraisal institutions. VDPro® HI Reagent offers a variety of standard HI test reagents for the antibody test of viral diseases in local swine.

VDPro® HI Reagent
  • Offers all buffer solutions, contrast reagents and antigens produced by the government's test and standard test criteria.
  • Meets the global standard test criteria.
  • It can be used in a simple laboratory test at a reasonable cost.
Product Configuration
VDPro® HI Reagent
HI Antigen 1ml
RBC Washing Buffer 120ml
RBC Dilution Buffer 120ml
Dilution Buffer 120ml
Sample Treatment Buffer 120ml
Positive control (PC) 1ml
Negative control (NC) 1ml
Order Information
Cat No. Product Name Quantity Manual
RS-PPV-31 VDPro® PPV HI Reagent 100 Tests EN
RS-EMC-31 VDPro® EMCV HI Reagent 100 Tests
RM-JEV-31 VDPro® JEV HI Reagent 100 Tests EN
* These products have been developed by a joint research in collaboration
with QIA(Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency), Korea.