Standard Reagent

AGID Reagent VDPro® AGID Reagent


Agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) is a long-time used standard antibody test and can do the qualitative test for antibodies to pathogens. This test can be used as a confirming test of antibody because its specificity is very high although its detection sensitivity is low.
VDPro® AGID Reagent provides diagnostic reagents capable to do a qualitative test of antibodies against bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and infectious bursa! disease virus (IBDV).
This reagent can be used as a standard test of disease appraisal institutions. BLV AGID Reagent uses a FLK cell standard antigen and IBDV AGID Reagent is a standard AGID test reagent manufactured by using the recombinant VP2 protein as an antigen.

VDPro® AGID Reagent
  • Offers all buffer solutions, contrast reagents and antigens produced by the government's test and standard test criteria.
  • Meets the global standard test criteria.
  • It can be used in a simple laboratory test at a reasonable cost.
Product Configuration
VDPro® BLV AGID Reagent
AGID antigen (Lyophilized) 1ml
Agar Gel 100ml
Positive control (PC) 4ml
VDPro® IBDV AGID Reagent
AGID antigen (Lyophilized) 2ml
Agar Gel 100ml x 2
Positive control (PC) 2ml
Order Information
Cat No. Product Name Quantity Manual
RB-BLV-41 VDPro® BLV AGID Reagent 100 Tests EN
RP-IBD-41 VDPro® IBDV AGID Reagent 200 Tests EN
* Developed by a joint research in collaboration with QIA
(Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency), Korea.